April Quickies Pattern: Zircon by Jen Lucas

Who else needs a little spot of happiness in their day today? I know that I cannot be the only one who needs a little cheer, and thankfully, Jen Lucas released her April Quickies pattern today and it is definitely a bright spot!

Zircon is an absolutely stunning asymmetrical, triangular shawl worked sideways. I cannot wait to grab two skeins of Mechita and work up on my shawl, this one just looks like it will be the perfect spring accessory and like the perfect thing to wrap up in these days. 

Jen Lucas never disappoints with her lovely shawls and this is one you definitely don't want to miss. 

Zircon uses 2 skeins of Mechita, the sample is worked in Teal Feather and Lago. 


Behind the names: Mysteries of the universe


malabrigo KAL starts today!