Behind the names: Sky and Stars
Marte - 121
Spanish word for Mars, named again after the Roman God for war. This variegated colorway is inspired by Earth’s twin, the Red Planet. Marte has several colors you would imagine finding on the surface of the planet, as well as others that may be there in the not too distant future... There are glints of crimsons and lighter reds that flit through darker browns and purples to hints of bright blues.
Available in: Sock, Rastita, Rios, Mechita, Finito, Arroyos
Arco Iris - 866
One of our most popular colorways that doesn’t need much introduction and you can probably guess what its name means. Arco Iris is Spanish for ‘Rainbow’ and you can see several colors transition through the spectrum in this variegated colorway, available on almost all of our yarns!
Available in: Washted, Silkpaca, Rios, Dos Tierras, Finito, Lace, Mecha, Mora, Mechita, Nube, Rasta, Rastita, Silky Merino, Sock
Cirrus Gray - 845
Cirrus is a type of cloud formation characterized by soft wisps, as if a paint brush has flicked the cloud across the sky. Likewise, this variegated colorway has wisps of grays and whites over a slight blue. Cirrus Gray sifts gently through darker and lighter shades just as the cloud forms can take on various shades light at different weathers or times of day.
Available in: Caracol. Mechita, Rios, Sock, Washted
Nimbus Gray - 844
Nimbus is cloud formation made up of bulbous masses that dominate the sky. These formations can vary in shape, size, and even color. In this variegated colorway there are sky blues peeking through between the cloudy whites and grays.
Available in: Rios
SFO Sky - 622
SFO Sky is a variegated colorway of predominantly two colors to gray and white. SFO is the name of San Fransisco’s airport and their own colloquial term for the area. It oscillates from white to gray from one end of the skein to the other
Available in: Worsted -Lace
Cosmos - 706
Cosmos is a solid, bright blue colorway named for the entire interstellar network that makes up all that we know. Cosmos was featured in Rasta’s TriBeCa colorway and remains exclusively on Rasta.
Available in: Rasta, Rios
Fog - 705
Niebla - 122
The first name is self-explanatory. Both of this creamy colors are named for the clouds that hang and obscure your mist, like a cloud that hangs low in the morning in the pre-dawn hours. These colors are excellent palettes to add emphasis to other colors or interesting techniques, just like a mist or fog can add a mythical atmosphere to any environment.
Available in: Rasta (Fog), Rios (Niebla)
Cielo y Tierra - 894
This name means ‘Sky and Earth’, reflected directed in this variegated colorway with the sky blues that abruptly shift into earthy browns across several horizons. It depicts the lovely interplay and duality of the Sky and Earth as it shifts with ease from one wholesome color to the next.
Available in: Rios, Mechita
Jupiter - 049
This variegated colorway was inspired by the largest planet in our solar system, the gaseous giant Jupiter. Each of its reds, pinks, and purples represent a swirling cloud on the surface of this distant world.
Available in: Arroyo, Finito, Mecha, Mechita, Rios, Rastita, Silky Merino
Moon Trio:
Moon Trio New - 699 | Moon Trio Crescent - 698 | Moon Trio Full - 697
The Moon Trio is a series of three separate, speckled colorways (Full, Crescent, and New) that follow the monthly phases of the moon as it waxes and wanes. The Full Moon is naturally brighter, with white being the predominant color over the multi-colored speckles, New Moon being darkest, and Crescent being somewhere in-between. You can use each individually or all together and take your next project on a whole lunar cycle! The Moon Trio, like many other speckled colorways, are exclusively on Mechita.
Available in: Mechita